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State Legislatures
1.Review Cyberbullying
2.Establish “Fight Video”
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2.Establish “Fight Video”
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We should not see ANY fights on social media; especially ones involving minors and certainly not in school buildings.
Yet, search “fights” on Facebook and you will find a group with 750,000 members curating the best street fights each day, on X you will find over 1,000 new videos posted each hour and on Instagram you can find middle school fight pages with thousands of followers.
Below you will find prominent examples from each and every state of the toxic way social media is encouraging a culture of violence to grow unchecked in our schools. In schoolyards and hallways, students spill each other’s blood while their classmates eagerly crowd around trying to capture a viral video or add to their “best fights'' collection.
Social media platforms and local school boards are willfully ignoring the explosion of this perverse phenomena of students recording fights rather than stopping them. We must confront “fight theater” and recognize the impact it is having on school violence and student mental health.
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The violence of three different fights were captured on cell phone.
A now viral video shows a shocking brawl broke out at a high school in Alabama
"Disturbing" videos shared on social media depicted fights that left people hurt.
Fayetteville High School: Arkansas
The principal asked parents to ask students to delete videos of the fights.
Park Middle School: California
Cell phone video shows a fight inside a sixth grade classroom. A sixth mother says this isn’t the first fight either.
Baldwin High School: California
Incident was caught on a now-viral video which showed a Baldwin Park High School junior being mercilessly punched in the face
Liberty Middle School: Colorado
Instagram account "Lib_Fights2022" features 11 videos posted this year
Greenwich High School: Connecticut
At least two atrocious and violent videos have circulated recently on social media
Stanton Middle School: Delaware
A 13-year-old girl with special needs was violently jumped inside her classroom, the video, is making the rounds on social media
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School: Florida
Student beaten by a group of teens in a caught-on-video attack
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Veteran’s Park Academy For the Arts: Florida
The attack is one of dozens of fights observed on social media in recent months.
Six of the eight videos show fights that appear to take place in school hallways, and two videos are of fights that seem to occur on school buses
Northwestern Senior High School: Florida
Students are recording what's happening on cell phones and publicizing it over online social media sites.
Fruit Cove Middle School: Florida
The videos show fights inside the school and off the property as well.
Union Grove High School: Georgia
Four fights in four days -- it was very alarming and then they directed me to some videos that are extremely violent.
Mililani Middle School: Hawaii
Video is making the rounds on social media of two Mililani Middle School girls fighting in a nearby park.
He recorded videos of students fighting and shared them on social media,
Franklin Community High School: Indiana
An incident caught on video and shared on social media
Mount Vernon High School: Indiana
Parents are asking for answers after videos surfaced on social media showing students fighting on school grounds.
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Videos of the scuffles are rumored to have circulated on social media
Video posted on social media showed numerous students fighting as well as officers trying to break up the fight.
Western Hills High School: Kentucky
Videos of the fights spread on social media. In one clip, several boys can be seen punching and stomping another student.
John Ehret High School: Louisiana
In some of the videos, teenagers can be seen hitting each other while other students stand on tables to watch.
Videos posted to social media under the account "flowerssrampage" show students fighting both inside and outside the school.
Francis Scott Key Middle School: Maryland
The page displays at least nine fight videos. There are "interviews" shared on Instagram with a "fighter."
Chestnut Middle School: Massachusetts
Springfield middle school fight leads to kids posting it online and it getting shared to multiple apps
East Kentwood High School: Michigan
Video shared on social media shows a male student kicking a female student in the head while other students watched.
St. Louis Park High School: Minnesota
Videos on social media show her being beaten up, but classes resumed after the fight.
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Madison Central High School: Mississippi
Videos of the fights have circulated on social media, leading some parents to consider taking their kids out of school
Smith-Hale Middle School: Missouri
Videos of students fighting are making their rounds across social media, showing big brawls inside hallways and bathrooms.
The disturbing video of a fight inside the school has been circulating on social media for a week now
Hoke County High School: North Carolina
Video sent to WRAL News showed footage of the fights.
Kernolde Middle School: North Carolina
A disturbing Guilford County School bus video fight is making rounds on social media.
The deadly beating was captured on cellphone video and widely shared on social media.
The student was off campus when a fight broke out at her school. But less than five minutes later, she saw a video of the incident on Instagram
Central Regional High School: New Jersey
Video posted to social media showed several students attacking Adriana Olivia Kuch in a school hallway. Two days later, she took her own life in her home.
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Cleveland High School: New Mexico
A YouTube account with recent fight videos has surfaced. The account had at least 10 different videos of teen fights posted.
Fairgrounds Middle School: New Hampshire
A video posted appears to show the girl pulled to the ground by her hair and subsequently punched in the face several times
Carl Ben Eielson Middle School: North Dakota
The Instagram account in question, features several videos of students engaged in physical altercations
Mark Twain Intermediate School: New York
TikTok and Snapchat videos of a vicious beatdown with slow-motion effects and a soundtrack humiliated an 11-year-old girl
West Clermont High School: Ohio
Video shared on social media shows teen girls attacking an 11-year-old girl
It's all caught on camera by students who shared it to social media.
Springfield High School: Oregon
The fights are also captured on video and circulate through social media, where students are exposed beating their classmates.
Hazelbrook Middle School: Oregon
The videos were part of a social media challenge of taping fights or threats and posting them online for views.
Monessen High School: Pennsylvania
Videos of this fight are circulating all over social media
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Chichester School District: Pennsylvania
The fight videos are quickly uploaded to social media — where parents say the bullying only gets worse.
Portsmouth School District: Rhode Island
Footage of the assault was going around social media.
Lady Island Middle School: South Carolina
One of the students gave her a note asking if she would record the two students “fighting.” The third student said one of the two involved in the fight told her it would happen in dance and to “be ready.”
It shows screaming students encouraging the duo to fight, with many filming on their phones and one girl even jumping for joy as the pair throw wild haymakers at each other.
Houston High School: Tennessee
Videos show two girls getting in each other’s faces in a school restroom while a crowd stands near the door watching
Fights are happening around their children's school and that 'Instagram fight accounts' could be why.
In a letter, the principal, addressed the fight and made parents aware of a video that is circulating on social media
Larkspur Middle School: Virginia
Sharing videos of fights breaking out in bathrooms, classrooms, and buses on social media sites
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Evergreen Middle School: Washington
Videos posted to Instagram and TikTok show dozens of such fights in Evergreen Middle School
Woodrow Wilson High School: West Virginia
They are speaking out after a video of a fight involving her daughter went viral on social media.
Shawano Middle School: Wisconsin
It has caused outrage because it appears it was planned as the video was started long before the attack took place.
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